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Cumberland Island is one of the many barrier islands off the coast of Georgia.


 I visited the island for the first time and was immediately inspired by its raw and natural beauty and of course the wild horses that freely roam the island.  The original horses on the island came with the Spanish explorers.  Many generations later you can still see a descendent breed called Marsh Tacky found in South Carolina and Georgia.  They have easily adapted to the marshes along the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida coast. The remainder of the images shown in this series reflect the beauty and simplicity found on this gem of an Island.


My medium of choice is photography and encaustic, but with a new approach on how I chose to enhance the photographs taken with digital manipulation.  I wanted to use a scaled down color palette of blues and greens combined with the translucency found in watercolor.  In turn creating a very calming effect to offer a respite from our busy lives.  I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback.

Dungeness Trail Boardwalk

Dungeness Trail Boardwalk

River Trail Richness

River Trail Richness

Marsh Tacky

Marsh Tacky

Cumberland Marsh

Cumberland Marsh

Seagulls on Sea Camp Beach

Seagulls on Sea Camp Beach

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